Format: Digital, including video, social media and email.
Samples: View the website | Request a demo of cross-platform content
After decades of sending magazines to farmers, Advanced Content® by Red Barn Media Group converted our brands’ print efforts to a fully digital content marketing program that is now in its fifth year and continues to expand. Featuring stories about our brands’ best customers, farmstead projects, deep-dive agronomy topics from subject matter experts, and robust social media and email support, the program remains successful and cost effective.
The program's website, myFarmLife.com, has been awarded 5 years running as the industry's best by the Agricultural Communicators Network, and has been the organization's 1st place Digital and Social Media program 3 times, calling it a “playbook for leveraging content.”
Work on this project led to our Creative Director, Jamie Cole, being named the Agricultural Communicators Network first-ever Communicator of the Year.